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EZ Flood is a private flood insurance option offered to single-family residential properties located in qualifying geographic areas.
EZ Flood is available in all states except Alaska, DC, Hawaii, and Kentucky.
Qualifying properties are available in A, B, C, V, and X zones.
Yes. EZ Flood satisfies the federal rule effective July 1, 2019, requiring federally regulated lenders accept private flood insurance that meets the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Act of 2012 definition of private flood insurance.
Please feel free to contact us for specifics on your situation.
$1,250,000 maximum coverage on the structure; $875,000 maximum coverage on contents.
There may be instances where a policyholder is cancelled or non-renewed following a claim.
The EZ Flood coverage provisions mirror or exceed that of the NFIP product. For details on cancellations, please refer to the policy jacket under Certificate Provisions.
EZ Flood eligibility is based on property location and certain property characteristics. Eligibility varies by risk.
Excess Flood offers coverage for both residential (except condominiums) and commercial properties above the NFIP maximum payout limits. Excess Flood is designed to supplement the NFIP flood policy and provides up to $5 million of building and contents coverage with replacement cost value up to $15 million.
Excess Flood is available in all states except Alaska, DC and Kentucky.
$5 million, with building and contents combined and never higher than the replacement cost less the primary limits.
$15 million.
EZ Flood provides the same or greater coverage as the policy offered by the NFIP with the addition of coverage for catastrophic ground collapse.
Aon Edge Insurance Agency does not provide advice on which coverage to purchase. As an Agent, you should discuss the options with your insured to help them determine which policy best meet their needs.
No, EZ Flood is an alternative to the NFIP flood policy.
EZ Flood is written by certain syndicates participating in the Lloyd’s of London marketplace.
Certain underwriters at Lloyd’s, London — A.M. Best Rated A.
Yes, there is a difference. While this only applies to Excess Flood the co-insurance clause is different from the USA 80% co-insurance clause. As long as the total insurable value (TIV) listed on the application is within 80% of the TIV at the time of the loss—there is no co-insurance penalty. However, if the TIV listed on the application is not within 80% of the TIV at time of loss, then the loss would be reduced in the same proportion that the value declared to 80% to the TIV at the time of said loss.
EZ Flood is designed to provide a simple flood underwriting solution to specific properties. Not every property and not every property location qualifies for EZ Flood.
There is no waiting period if purchased during the loan closing; otherwise there is a 15-day waiting period.
The claims reporting number is provided on the declaration page. The policyholder can contact that number directly or contact their agent to report the claim.
The base deductible is $5,000 but there are $1,000, $1,250, $2,000 and $10,000 deductible options that may be available for some property types and locations. Deductibles apply separately to building and contents coverage.
There is no additional deductible, Excess Flood coverage pays for all covered loss incurred above the applicable NFIP coverage limits.
Coverage is bound the day after receipt of all required documents and payment in full, as long as the primary policy is in force, the agency is contracted by Aon Edge and the Aon Edge Underwriter binds the coverage, weather permitting.
Yes, $350 plus fees and taxes, except in North Carolina and Connecticut.
Yes, once bound, the minimum earned premium is 25% in all states, except Florida.
No, the Excess Flood policy must be rated using the current flood zone rating as defined by the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM).
No, Excess Flood is not available for condominium buildings or units.
No, contents-only coverage is not available.
No, contents coverage is available only for residential properties.
Yes, the maximum contents limit available for residential post-FIRM properties is 50% of the building, up to a maximum of $1 million. The maximum contents limit available for residential pre-FIRM properties is 50% of the building, up to a maximum of $250,000.
EZ Flood and Excess Flood are non-admitted.
Additional housing allowance as a result of being forced from the insured building due to flooding or ground collapse.
The costs incurred to clean and restore a swimming pool to the condition, prior to the flooding event. The costs to repair or rebuild the structures, walls, sides or swimming equipment are not covered.
Coverage for complying with state and local floodplain management laws and ordinances affecting the repair and reconstruction of properties from flood damage. Activities that are eligible for payment include: elevation, flood proofing, relocation or demolition of the structure.
The flood insurance platform automatically identifies those properties eligible for EZ Flood or Excess Flood. Insurance agents can quote a policy on the site normally accessed to purchase the primary flood policy.
You may pay via:
Make the check payable to Aon Edge Insurance Agency, Inc.
Yes, please remit the required full premium, plus fees and taxes. Deducting commission will delay binding the risk.
The term is effective for one year.
Yes, you may cancel EZ Flood for any valid reason allowed by the NFIP.
EZ Flood:
Excess Flood:
Overnight Address Aon Edge 5005 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy Suite 1500 Dallas, TX 75244 Mailing Address - Premium JP Morgan Chase (TX1-0029) Attn: Aon Edge 734513 14800 Frye Rd, 2nd Floor Fort Worth, TX 76155
Yes. Agents representing WYO’s who have authorized the sale of Aon Edge - private flood insurance must satisfy applicable licensing requirements of the jurisdiction that governs the transaction, which generally is the state where the subject property is located and must be contracted with Aon Edge Insurance Agency, Inc. Agents may obtain an indication of the premium without being contracted. Agents will then receive direction on what documentation is required to become contracted and where to submit that documentation.
Exclusive Agents (varies by carrier):
Independent Agents:
Requirements vary by individual so please contact us for the specifics of your situation.
Aon Edge Insurance Agency, Inc.
Commission checks are mailed the fifth business day of the month following the month the policy is issued.
Aon Edge Insurance Agency, Inc. ensures that fees and taxes are paid, and all policies and reports are filed.
In order to complete quotes and pay for a policy, agents will need:
We require either a declaration page or Certificate of Insurance stating that E&O includes all entity names indicated on the Producer Brokerage Agreement and that coverage meets minimum coverage limits of $1 million each claim, $1 million aggregate. Aon Edge Insurance Agency does not deviate from minimum required limits.
Yes, Aon Edge has partnered with IVANS for this service; you will need to have your IVANS Y account to access Aon Edge Private Flood Insurance download.